Saturday, October 6, 2007

saturday mornings

when i was a little girl saturday mornings were my favorite day of the week. back in the day we didn't have cartoon network the only time cartoons came on were saturday mornings. during the summer or if you were home sick from school they also had 30 minutes of cartoons from 12:30 til 1:00 on weekdays. it was right between the 12 o'clock news and the afternoon movie.

saturday mornings were wonderful we would sit in front of the stacked tv's. you see back then just about everyone had 2 tv's. you had the old broken console tv that served as the perfect stand for the newer smaller portable tv. and the new tv didn't have a remote. the kids were the remote control. and we didn't have cable everyone had tv attennas straped to their houses and if the reception was bad all the kids were trained in the fine art of the twist and hollar. 1 child would run outside and twist the antenna and the other kids would hollar "stop!" when the reception cleared. also the new tv didn't have push-buttons. it had a turn knob and after awhile the turn knob would break so you would use the knob from the UHf channels and then when that knob would break you would use a pair of needle-nose pliers. its a wonder we didn't electrocute ourselves.

now back to my story.

saturday mornings were wonderful. we would sit and watch fat albert, scooby doo and the bugs bunny and tweety show. cartoons were different back then. they showed Wile E Coyote getting his head smashed flatter than a pancake by an acme anvil. they showed Elmer Fudd's rifle back-firing and blowing his head off after Bugs tied the barrel into a knot. we got to see the consequences of their bad decisions. and i would like to ask where did Wile get all the money to buy all those acme products? and there we would sit our brains rotting from cartoons and our teeth rotting from the extra sugar we would put on our cereal. spoonful after spoonful of extra sugar we would put on our cornflakes. after the cereal was gone there would be a glorious mound of sugar at the bottom of the bowl. you would want to eat the cereal and drink the milk as fast as you could so that it didn't erode the sugar mountain. i now know why my mom would make us go outside on saturdays. we were all hyper from the sugar and we needed to run it off. these were her exact words "go run off some of that energy, cause your driving me crazy"

good times, good times.


  1. Ok, now I am really going to date myself. Remember "Lassie"? Was my favorite show as a kid, along with "The Mickey Mouse Club." I used to race home after school so I wouldn's miss any of it. We got out at 3:15, then the bus ride to our stop and a (nearly) mile walk home left precious little time between hitting the front door and the start of the program. Maybe THAT'S where I learned to walk so fast! ;D

  2. Lassie. I loved Lassie.

    On Saturday morning they have started replaying the carebears and strawberry shortcake cartoons. I love to watch with F. it brings back old times.

  3. Did we grow up in the same house?!

    Incredible. Same t.v., mine was in black and white forever. I can remember when we got color. The first show in color was Wizard of Oz, when the door on the house opened and everything was in color. Now that was cool.

    When Matt was about 4 he was watching an old old movie and david walked through. he looked up at him so confused and perplexed and said , "Daddy, was everything black and white when you were little?" funny boy!

    Oh the love of saturday mornings...
