Thursday, October 25, 2007

6 months

today is the 6 month anniversary of us having the kids. it doesn't seem like 6 months but it is. the guardianship stuff is on track. their dad has until monday to advise the court if he has a problem with us becoming the kids guardians. since he has never been a part of the kids life we are not expecting any hassle from him. so next week they will set a court date (make it quick Lord) and then the kids will be ours. my sister made a small fuss when she was reading over the paperwork but quickly realized that we would fight her if she didn't agree. she has really been quite calm through all of this. i really expected her to put up more of a fight but deep down she knows she can't care for them right now and we have to be able to care for them completely. which means legal guardianship.

thanks guys for all your words of encouragement. marme hit the nail on the head with her comment. it's not the work but the enormity of all of it. in 6 months i have gone from being the full time mom of one child (squirt) and step-mom of one child(bubba) to being the mom/stepmom/aunt of 4 teenagers. a very dear friend told me that on the outside i appear to have it all together but she knows me well enough to see the cracks. God is truly walking me through this valley and He will not leave me unchanged. there are just times when it overwhelms me.


  1. I'm glad their are still people like you out their. I love you and your family.

    God please bring peace, strength and courage. I pray your blessings both financially and spiritually.

  2. I heard a sermon a couple of years ago and it has never left me - the title was "This Is Just A Test!" Life is Just a Test - know that you are in my prayers.

  3. One of my favorite Scripture verses is 1 Cor 10:13, which in essence says God will not give us more than we can handle. He knows us so well, that He knows just how much to put on our plate to make us go running to Him! Then He takes us by the hand and leads us right up the middle of the mess, through to the other side, and says, "See, I knew we could do it together!" You'll make it, my friend, just because you'll turn to Him. (Yeah, I'm listening to myself preach.)

  4. i love you and am praying continuously for you and your family. You will make it through and come out on the other side all bright and shiny full of the glory of God beaming all around you.

    i am always here for you.
