Tuesday, October 16, 2007


ok guys i need some advice. freddie wants to go to college. should she take the ACT, the SAT or both? we are trying to get a jump on things and they are offering free ACT and SAT prep classes at her school and we need to take advantage of all the free help we can get. i never had the opportunity to go to college so i am at a loss as to which test or tests she should take. so i'm asking all my college educated blogger buddies for help.


  1. My opinion: ACT.(I did better on it than the SAT, and I was told that most people do...)
    I was also told that ASU looks at ACT scores as more realistic than SAT scores.
    You should call the admissions office at whatever college she plans to apply for and find out which, if any, test they prefer.
    Also, find out whether freddy is more verbally geared or math/science geared. I think they suggest SAT for math/science and ACT for verbal - that is what I remember from 100 years ago anyway.
    Call the admissions office. That's your best bet.

    Way to plan ahead!! And I think it's wonderful that she wants to go to college!!

  2. If the tests are free, let her take them both. Can't hurt, might help. I took both plus NMSQT--200 years ago! ;D

    I think there are crammer courses available now to help prep for the tests. Don't know about cost of those, though. I think doing some college prep work now is an excellent idea.

  3. I also did way better on the ACT. It wouldn't hurt to take both. I have heard of some people taking both and doing better on the SAT. The better the scores the better the chance of a scholarship.

  4. When I was in school, my whole class took the ACT our jr. year. That way, if we wanted to take the SAT our sr. year, or re-take the ACT for a chance at a better grade, we could. I would definitely suggest taking the prep courses for both to see which subject matters she was geared toward, especially if they're free!

  5. It really depends on where she wants to go to school. Some schools prefer the SAT, others the ACT. My school did not require any ACT scores, for instance. If she has a school in mind, I'd go to them first and then make a decision. That way, no one is wasting any time.

    However, if you do not have a school picked out, I agree with everyone else - take both! I never once took the ACT and I managed just fine...but things may have changed since then.

    I *think* Texas schools prefer the SAT, but here in Arkansas, they're all about the ACT. You just have to do some research. ;o)
