Saturday, October 20, 2007

i've been tagged

ree tagged me, you big stinker.

Seven things you never knew about me and now wish you didn't. Or as you put it...Seven strange/weird/crazy things about me:

1. i have a freakishly good memory. i can remember just about anything i don't need to remember. addresses, kids i went to kindergarten with, movie dialogues, songs, conversations, just about everything.

2. i have an obsession with school supplies. i sometimes cruise the school supply aisle at walmart looking for something to buy.

3. i listen to Christmas music all year long.

4. during the last trimester of my pregnancy i wore mens tighty-whitey underwear. it was so much more comfortable than womens maternity underwear. the wide waistband lays so nice and flat against your big pregnant belly and they are fuller in the seat. nuff said.

5. i'm allergic to cockroaches.

6. when i shop i have to touch everything and if i don't like the texture or feel of it i won't buy it. this applies to anything fabric. could you see me in the grocery store feeling a can of green beans.

7. i have a birthmark in the shape of a dollar sign on my left calf.

i tag chris and dawn


  1. Tighty whites. Your hilarious. I better not get on your bad side, you'll never forget what I did.

  2. Really? Christmas music all year round? I can barely tolerate it during the season! haha!

    Ok, I've been tagged - this will take some contemplation!

  3. Oh, my goodness, this was funny!!!

    Love the tighty-whities...

  4. that is hilarious about the men's underware. I may have to see if it is as good as you say!
