Monday, October 29, 2007


in case you ever wondered what a tupperware bowl full of brown gravy would do when dropped on a tile floor.
wonder no more.
it goes everywhere.
and i mean everywhere. i had to move the fridge to get the puddle that formed underneath. i just kept telling myself that i needed to clean under there anyways.


  1. YUK. I know what a bottle of pecans w/syrup fresh out of the refrigerator, dropped on the tile, is like. Not nice at all! I never had tile floors in my kitchen before, so am finding out what it's like to drop things on this floor. Like I said NOT NICE AT ALL.

  2. Isn't it amazing?
    What perfect angle would the gravy have to shoot out at to go underneath the fridge?
    Yet, with amazing accuracy, said gravy will find the perfect angle, every time!
    I am sorry for your gravy loss.
    I am glad the underneath of your fridge is spic and span - after all, the rest of us have spotless 'under-fridges'...

  3. yuck!!! I would like to believe I too would pull out my fridge and clean up a spill but...
