Thursday, September 10, 2015

forever friends

i know a lady who has said time and time again.  we were just friends for a season.


if you have ever been my friend you are still my friend.  you will forever have a place in my heart and I did not just love you for a season I love you forever.

I understand that not everyone is like me and that's great.  I love the fact that we are all different and have different ideas and different thoughts and different passions and dreams.  that is what makes us friends.  I want to know you and I want to be known by you.  I want to love you flaws and all and have myself be loved back flaws and all by you....yes you. 

is this not what Jesus was talking about all through the new testament. 

did he just love us for a season?

nope didn't think so

Wednesday, March 4, 2015


as I look on my sidebar and see all the blog links of friends that haven't posted in so long it makes me sad.  it wasn't too long ago that this was my go to place for keeping up with my friends.  sharing our lives and thoughts.

what happened?

I know for me life got busy and other, quicker, social media sites took over. 

I have a love/hate relationship with facebook.  I have installed and uninstalled it from my phone so many times in the last year it would make your head spin.  it is currently uninstalled and I have no plans (at the moment) to reinstall.

Saturday, October 25, 2014

He knows

last weekend was our yearly church women's retreat and was it ever good. 

God did such a deep work in so many hearts and reminded us all of how much He truly loves us and is always there.

at the retreat they always break us up into small discussion groups after each session.  this is always done randomly and you stick with the same group after each session.  it was amazing to me (and it really shouldn't be) that God knew exactly what I needed. 

I lead a weekly women's life group at our church and was truly blessed to have 6 of my 8 ladies able to come to the retreat.  what I didn't realize until I was sitting in my retreat small group was how thankful I was to NOT have any of my life group ladies in my small group.  don't get me wrong I love sharing life with my ladies but there are times when you just need to be a part of the group and not leading the group. 

God knew, He always knows and yet it still surprises me when He shows me even a small kindness.

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

she is me, i am her

every Tuesday night my lady friends come over and we eat and talk about Jesus and share life together.  I have no words for how much I love and need each and everyone of these ladies.  they are funny, quirky, serious, thoughtful, and lovely. 

last night a new lady joined our group and I realized this morning she is me and I am her.  you see she is new, she has never gone to church, she has finally realized after all these years and much loss and pain and joy and happiness that she cannot live without Jesus and she wants to do life with my small group. 

18 years ago I was this woman.  after much loss and pain and joy and happiness I realized i needed Jesus. I couldn't live without Him.

she is hungry so very very hungry for Jesus.  she can't live without Him.

Monday, July 14, 2014


I've missed you bloggy

that is all for now

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

missionary girl

I can't believe it has been 2 years since I have posted.

not sure why I've been silent this long.

first and foremost this blog has always been my way to somehow document the simple events of my life.  my thoughts and feelings and insights. 

my last post was about my daughter so let me make this first post back about her.

my beautiful daughter is currently serving her first long term mission in the Philippines. 

I cannot describe how hard it was to leave her at the airport knowing I won't see her for the next 7 months.  if something happens I can't get to her....she is totally on her own.  she is so incredibly brave and I am so incredibly proud. 

Friday, November 18, 2011

momma was right

as much as i hate to admit that, but my momma was right about a lot of things.  right now she is right about how hard it is to let your children transition from childhood to adulthood.   

colleen had a terrible, rotten, no good horrible day on tuesday and there was nothing i could do about it. 

let me rephrase that - i could have done the wrong thing and jumped in and made it all better for the moment but then she wouldn't have learned anything. 

i have to admit. i'm having a hard time with this. this letting go and letting her make her own decisions. but i have to let her succeed and fail and the only way to do that is to let her go.

big sigh

Saturday, October 15, 2011

the quilting bee

every wednesday i go to a quilting bee at my local quilters guild.  i know it sounds so old fashioned but it is such good therapy.  i absolutely love it and even turned down a promotion at my job because i would have to give up my wednesdays at the guild.  i need these ladies and i feel sure they need me.  you see i am the baby of the group.  i'm 43 and i am the youngest member by 15 years.  the next youngest member is in her late 50's and our oldest member is 93.

when i joined the guild last year i was expecting to encounter all this wisdom and knowledge and grandmotherly love.  i expected these ladies to be founts of grace learned from a lifetime of trials and hardships and laughter and child rearing.  i expected to sit at their feet and glean from them everything i need to age gracefully.  i did find this but i also found that women are women no matter where you are or how old you are.

to a small degree i have found insecurities, pettiness, jealousy's, hurt feelings, loneliness, and greed.  how could this be.  how could these women not be everything i wanted them to be.  how could these ladies not have it all figured out by now.  i so wanted them to have all the answers but sadly they don't and they never will.    

to a bigger degree i have found love and acceptance for just who i am.  i have found ladies who love to laugh, tell jokes and argue about politics and the state of the world today.  i have found a community.  a community of women who still care and want what they do to matter.  they take pride in the work of their hands and love sharing that gift with others.  at 43 i have found a place where i belong.