Thursday, August 30, 2007


i now realize that i didn't make myself clear on my decisions post.

my company is asking for 20 volunteers in my department to quit their jobs and they fired 2 managers last thursday.
they make it sound so benign with the acronyms rif (reduction in force) and isp (incentive separation package). but the fact is people are losing their jobs. real people....people i see everyday....people who have spouses and children depending on them....are now looking for a new job. right now they are asking for volunteers but if that doesn't work will they go to a forced layoff? only time will tell. right now i can't worry about that, but it does make me think about my future. as i mentioned before the company has excellent benefits. one of these benefits is that they will pay for me to get a degree. the only question is can i handle college, kids and work. i can do it online and just take 1 class at a time. at that rate it will take me 7 years to get a 4 year degree. which isn't that bad. it is just a little **gulp** overwhelming. it has been 22 years since i've been in school **double-gulp**. kinda hurts a little to admit that.

so this is where i'm at.....if i don't at least try then i'll never know if i can succeed.


  1. "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me..."

    Not that it will always be easy, but knowing you and your determination, I have no doubt you can do this, friend!

  2. Your strong enough. Ree used the perfect scripture for this situation. The sooner you get started the sooner you will finish.

  3. i know you can do anything you set your mind to. you will do awesome.
