Wednesday, August 15, 2007

a place thats familiar

my step-mom was born and raised in a small town in arizona. for the majority of her married life w/my dad she lived in texas. there was always an on-going "discussion" between my dad and her about why tx was better than az (him) or (her)why az was better than tx. she finally had the last word when my dad popped off that "tx is Gods country." her reply "well if tx is Gods country then He vacations in az." my dad could never think of anything to beat this. which is surprizing. my dad loved to argue and would most always come out on top. but not this time she had him beat.

after they separated, my step-mom got her hearts desire. she packed her stuff and moved back to az. before she moved i asked her after living for so many years in tx was there really any reason to move back. she stated very simply that she needed a place thats familiar. i didn't really understand fully what she meant at the time, but as i get older i am starting to understand. i also desire that place thats familiar. that place where you may not know everyone but everyone is familiar to you. we are so blessed being in the family of God that we can have this wherever we go. it is not exclusive to a geographical location. its a place within us, a place where the Trinity dwells.

that familiar place is with me always as a lean on God and trust Him to lead and guide me. how did i ever live without Him? its a mystery to me.

1 comment:

  1. this is good. soo good. a place that's familiar. nice.
