Friday, August 10, 2007

this is my life

~~ monday thru friday ~~
get up, get ready, leave list of chores for kids to do during the day (or should i say when they get up around noonish), go to work for 8 hours during which i get several calls from my children asking me silly questions, like "may i please cook an 8 course lunch for the neighbors" or just to chat "i'm bored, what are you doing? can we go here, there, and anywhere when you get off work?" or to break up a fight "cliff is doing this or that or not doing this or that or should be doing this or that" you name it and he has been tattled on for doing it. of course all this time i'm whispering because i'm not suppose to answer my phone at work.

i get off work - run by grocery store and pick up milk and whatever else we just have to have. go home and tell (yell at) kids to finish their chores, tell (yell at) kids to stop yelling at each other, and tell (yell at) the kids to just do it because i said so.

then we evaluate what errands have to be done that evening or can be pushed off until the weekend. this week we have had 1 volleyball game, 2 different school meet and greets, 1 doctors appt, 1 haircut, highlight & eyebrow wax, 1 bake sale, 1 night of baking to prepare for the bakesale, 2 sleepovers, 2 sleepaways, 1 birthday party, 1 night of shopping to buy groceries, birthday present, and school supplies, 1 night of card games, and 1 school physical. sometime between all this i cook dinner, balance the checkbook, pay bills, pick up the house and order the kids around like slaves (their word not mine, my word would be because your part of this family and this is what families do).

i then collapse into bed and sleep like the dead until morning. where i get up and do it all again.

this is my life and as hectic as it sounds i wouldn't trade it for the world. i know its only for a season and i plan to live each day as it comes and enjoy it as best as i can.

my niece gave me the ultimate compliment on thursday night. she looked at my daughter and said "man, your mom is so into your life." this is my master plan to be so into all their lives as much they'll let me.


  1. You are amazing. I've never been able to figure out how moms can work and raise kids at the same time and NOT go crazy. Hats off to you!

  2. After all that, you made it sound like something I'd wanna do.
    It is wonderful, isn't it? At whatever stage.
    You're also very funny. I caught myself laughing out loud during that one!

  3. I am so glad to hear that as hard as it is, you love it. Something to look forward to. By the way your way awesome.
