Friday, August 24, 2007

so sorry my friend

i'm so sorry my called on thursday night and i just didn't get it. you needed a friend and all i could talk about was my busy life. i should have invited you for dinner since we couldn't join you, but i was embarassed. we were not having something fancy that i would deem company worthy. we were having turkey on toast. delicious, but boring.

why do i do this?

why do i allow myself to miss out because i don't feel i measure up to some imaginary standard? or my home doesn't measure up? or my life doesn't measure up? where did this mark that i keep missing come from anyways? i don't know but its always there. lurking.....i can't always see it but i know it's there.

Lord, You have already brought me so far in this area but i can see there is still work to do. isn't that Your way just when we think we can take a breath its time to push again. push through all the old baggage, all the wrong mindsets, all the garbage that gets in the way of our relationships. our relationship with You and the wonderful friends You have placed in our lives. Thank You Lord for giving me wonderful relationships, now help me not to wreak them.

1 comment:

  1. I love you, rw.
    You do measure up, whether you feel like it or not.
    It doesn't matter if there's turkey on toast at your big table or fried rice from a buffet line, pardon my grammar, but peeps is peeps, and I'm glad you've got my back!
