Saturday, September 1, 2007

big step of faith

i've started this post so many times, here and in my head. i've just found it hard to put in all into words and sometimes you just need to hold on to things before you blab it out to the whole world.

last monday after much husband quit his job and is now self-employed. this is something he has wanted for a while and has been working towards for the past 20 odd years. now i have to admit that it was my fear that kept him from doing this 3 years ago. ouch....that stings. i don't like to admit that i've held my husband back in any way. i always want to be the supportive encouraging wife, not the fearful nagging wife.

i realized after pastors message on wednesday that sometimes we can pray about things for so long that we use it as a road block. sometimes you just have to move in the direction that God has called you to and then let Him provide. i also realized that i constantly want God to prove Himself to me instead of just trusting Him to take care of things.

so here i am Lord just trusting You. whatever comes i will put my trust in You.


  1. Wow...
    That is all I can say at the moment.

  2. At one time or another we all get to a cross roads like that. If not now, then when. It would stink to look back on life and realize that you went the easy safe way, never following your dreams. Glad to see that you guys are taking the dive.
