Saturday, September 8, 2007

been sick

sorry A i know you worry when i don't blog but i've been sick. feeling better today but still have some congestion and a runny nose. it all started wednesday with a real bad pressure headache. so when i got off work i ran right home, made sure the kids had dinner, took some benadryl and put myself to bed. i slept from 6:30pm til 5:15 am. took care of the headache but now i've been battling the congestion and runny nose. i can't figure out if its a head cold or allergies. leaning towards the head cold since i'm only allergic to cats and dogs and i've stayed away from my cats. oh well this too shall pass.
whenever i'm sick its reminds me of how much i take for granted feeling good. and what a miracle it is that we don't get sick more. i'm not a germ-a-phobic like some. my mom's first piece of mothering advise when i brought squirt home from the hospital was let her get dirty or she will be retarded. no lie these were her exact words. of course you have to understand my mom. she was born in 1941 and was premature. being my grandmothers 1 and only child and taking into account my grandmothers lack of experience its a wonder my mom survived at all. you see my grandmother at that time thought the way to keep my mom healthy was to bathe her several times a day. after several sicknesses the doctor finally told her if she continued to bathe my mom in this manner she would be dead within a year. her premature body needed to build up immunities to the germs around her. he knew what we have forgotten. kids need to get dirty. they need to play in the dirt and make mud pies and feed them to their sister or the gullible neighbor kid. they need to ride their bikes up and down the street from dawn till dusk in the summer time. they need to catch frogs and lightnin' bugs and walk around with a pocket full of rollie pollies. we need to quit washing them down with anti-bacterial wipes and let them be kids.


  1. I'm sorry you've been sick.
    You're right - I thought to myself last night, "If that skillet prep is looking me in the face tomorrow, RW's getting a phone call..." ;)
    I have missed your humor!
    And thanks for the refill. I really like the advice about preventing retardation...
    A little filth is all it takes?
    Ok - well I hope you are feeling top notch in no time.
    And by the way, you are the FIRST person I have ever met that is allergic to cats and owns cats.
    Go figure!

  2. they are outside cats. when my allergist told me i was allergic to cats i sat in his office and bawled my eyes out. at that time my cats were inside cats and the thought of getting rid of them was unbearable. needless to say he thought i was crazy. so now they live outside and i admire them from afar.

  3. Missed you today. Hope you're feeling better and your nose is not so red!

    Great Advice!
