Thursday, July 12, 2007

wisdom, courage and cunning

these are the 3 things i need prayer for.

wisdom - so that i know what God is telling me to do

courage - to do what God is telling me to do

cunning - to walk thru the minefield of mental illness that has my sister in its grip.

if you've dealt with a loved one with a mental illness you know exactly what i'm talking about. the last few days have been an emotional rollercoaster around my house. my sister is here for a week long visit. she made it here with only a 12 hour delay which totally sidelined the 16-year old. so monday night about 10ish i have my niece hysterically crying, my sister on the phone hysterically crying, and me in the middle trying to make sense of it all. the buses were running late so my sister couldn't get on the bus until 10:30 the next day. but she made it here at about 5:30 tuesday evening. needless to say i could see Gods hand in all of it. i don't have the words to tell you of all the answered prayers i've seen in the last few days. that is for another day and another blog. the wonderfulness of God has left me speechless.

thank you God for taking care of things. help me to stay out of the way and to follow Your plan and not my own. help me to relax and trust You. because if You are on the throne of my heart, then You will bring all things into order.


  1. I am praying for the situation that everything goes the way he needs it to.
    Please Lord just bless them and put a calming peace over everyone in the house. Help the peace maker to work your will. Just keep them in your arms and bless this wonderful family.

  2. We're standing behind you. But more importantly His angels go before you.
    I have a Scripture that came to mind when I prayed for you. Proverbs chapter 2. I believe in the power of God's written word and that it is sharper than a two-edged sword when in a position of warfare.
    I don't know what version of the Bible you have but Proverbs 2 is really good no matter how it comes...

  3. dearest rw,
    you have been so heavy on my heart and mind this week. sometime in the future ask me about this week, in regard to you. i have been praying steadfastly for you and your sister. as you know my mother killed herself when i was 3. so i am a child who knows what it is like to be abandoned by suicide. i am praying very specifically for all those involved, especially you, my love. God has been speaking to me in the middle of the night. Be still and know that I am God.

    i know i have said it before, but i will say it again, you do not realize the impact you are having on your niece and nephew. i had an aunt do the same for me and my brothers and sisters. i will always remember her with great love in my heart.

    love ya,

  4. My prayers are certainly with you. As you know my own mother is bi-polar. The extreme ups and extreme downs can be dramatic. I do believe that God can heal this illness.

    Lord give R the wisdom, strength, compassion, and great love that she needs to overcome in this situation. Let her and the entire family come out victorous on the other side.

  5. It always amazes me how what the enemy means for evil, the Lord somehow brings something good to light. Who else could orchestrate bringing so many women together who have dealt or are dealing with similar situations? Only the Lord, my friend, only the Lord.
