Wednesday, July 18, 2007

constant state of unknowing

as i read thru everyones blogs it struck me that we are all in a constant state of unknowing. by this i mean that we all have situations in our lives that we can't do anything about. we have done all we can and now we are just waiting. we are unknowing if our house will sell, we are unknowing if our husbands will get better jobs and be able to come home, we are unknowing if our lives will ever be normal and free from the unknowing. thank goodness God knows and can give us peaceful hearts through the unknowing times in our lives. love you God.


  1. amen. the unknowing is hard, but you are so right. God does know and will provide the peace to sustain us until we do know.

    thank you, Jesus, for such personal reminders of your love.

  2. amen I totally agree but the peace is the only thing that makes the changes bareable!

  3. Thank You, Lord for the peace. Can I have another helping?
