Wednesday, July 18, 2007

depressed and a little scared

first the depressed part....i was so looking forward to my week of solitude with just my husband and me. well my husbands stupid boss made him go out of town on monday so it has just been me. all alone. so very alone. so i cried most of monday night. had it out with God. how could He do this to me, He knew how much i was looking forward to this week. well needless to say His plans are not always our plans. last night was pretty good i worked in the yard and fed my blog addiction. was too sad to write anything without crying on the keyboard. today has been a little better except when i took my last call of the day. when you guessed it it was a very angry customer. normally this doesn't bother me but i was already sad and the issue she had was totally avoidable. so all i could do was say how sorry i was and try to make it better. you just can't please everyone and this lady was not pleased.

oh well - on to the scary part of my evening.

my husband called me at 5:30 and asked me to do the most horrible and scary thing. can you even guess what that might be? well for me the most horrible and scary thing is to go into his shop. some friend of his needed to borrow a tool and of course i had to be the one to go in there and get it. and of course he scared me even worse when he said you better get the flashlight. well there is nothing worse than having to go into the shop with only a flashlight trying to find some stupid power hammer thingy. and of course it can't be out in the open it has to be under and behind everything else. so here i am digging in the dark with a flashlight in one hand, the phone balanced between my ear and shoulder so that he can give me directions. like that ever helps. he may quite possibly have to call 911 when something attacks me in the dark. because of course if something did attack me i would immediately drop the flashlight and take off running and screaming and maybe accidently stab myself with some piece of machinery he has just left laying about. so yes i was scared, but i did it. i got the power hammer thingy and nothing attacked me and i didn't stab myself. so it has turned out to be an alright day after all.

now i must go to church and repent for calling my husbands boss stupid. maybe i'll just call him a big meaner. is that better God?


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I am so sorry about your week. I hate it when great plans get ruined.

    I know what you mean about dark scary places. I am a big scaredy cat. Not to mention when hubby is away from home for an evening.

  3. i am so sorry. i hurt for you. i certainly would have called you and lifted you up, but i thought you were having a wonderful time.

    i am always here for you when you need me and even when you don't. lets do something soon just you and me or maybe friday we can go out with our hubbies. if you want to spend time just with him and want the kids to come over here, so you can have a date with your hubby just let me know.

    i love ya girl.

  4. You're hilarious!

    Sorry about your week being ruined.:(

    You know, I bet God has a better plan!

    I know what you mean about the dark, scary shop...
    that's my garage of late, and when you finally clean it out for a sale and move a stack of boxes and find a huge pile of cracked, empty, pecan shells where something has been laid back having the time of its life!

    You just run and never look back!!

  5. i'm sorry that big meaner messed with your plans. we all know you deserve a quiet, relaxing week with just your husband. who knows, God may provide it again, just in the nick of time.

    i am glad you didn't get attacked. i don't think i would have even been able to make it out to the shop. i'm scared of my own shower sometimes. now that's just embarrassing.

    love you!

  6. Awwww.... now that just doesn't seem fair at all... I am sorry the week you had looked so forward to hasn't turned out quite like you hoped it would. ANYTHING like you hoped...
    Keep your chin up - maybe you two lovebirds will still get some private time together.
    But I'm with you on the big meaner!
