Saturday, July 19, 2008

training up

Train up a child in the way he should go, Even when he is old he will not depart from it. Proverbs 22:6

i should be doing homework right now but i just had to take a few minutes to share my week. its been up and its been down. i got squirt all checked in for public school. she is so excited. she didn't realize that they have a 2 year program called ready set teach. she shared with me today that she has been praying and asking God to confirm to her if she is suppose to be a teacher. how cool is that. we pray and believe and pour our hearts into our children and then they go and exceed our expectations. it just blesses my heart that her heart is to do what God wants her to do. it just doesn't get any better than that.

as some of ya'll know from the news we are having another layoff at work. this time it is not directed at my office but because the people getting laid-off have so much seniority i could possibly be bumped out of my job. because we are a union shop they have what is called bumping rights. they have the right to bump down into a lower paying position which could possibly be me. of course there is alot more to it than this simple explanation but i could be looking at either a lower paying position and still doing the same work or leaving the company. we just have to wait and see how it shakes out. normally i am a worrier but i have a real peace about this. i truly have no control over the situation. we have looked at our finances and can do it on just one salary but things will be very tight. i would need to find a new job as quickly as possible. having no job is a very scary thing for me. i've always worked but i also know God has a plan and that plan maybe another job. i just have to trust in Him and allow Him to order my steps.


  1. Speaking from experience. God truly does provide. We have no need unmet.

    I'm glad you have a peace. That is most of the battle won, right there.

  2. I might not always be vocal about my beliefs and my faith, but Jeremy and I both have a very deep understanding that God provides. I cannot begin to understand His grand plan, but I know he has one for all of us. Even though I dislike my job, I know in my heart I am exactly where He wants me to be for right now. So, I'm not worried about you. It would be sad to see you go (please don't leave me with all those crazy people!) but I have total faith that you will land on your feet. You are a strong woman, Rhonda. You don't lay down and let the world walk on you. Through your faith you have a confidence that people can feel, and I feel that you are gonna be just fine..with or without this job.

    And I don't think you misinterpreted that message. Anyone can take it as they wish. I can see how in the spiritual sense, it wouldn't fit at all. I read it in more of a 'family' sense, that's how I took it. My husband is 'home' to me. And where ever I go, as long as he is with me, I will be 'home'.

  3. Praying, my friend. I'm glad you know that God is in control. It makes things so much easier.
