Sunday, July 13, 2008

hard decision made

well as some of ya'll know we have been praying about where squirt would go to school next year. we have been weighing all the pros and cons. she is currently enrolled in a christian private school. she started out in public schools and then during her 5th grade year we realized that she was falling through the cracks and needed a more structured environment. so we moved her to her current school. the last 4 years have been good but now we have decided that going back to public school will be whats best for her. whats cool about the whole thing is that it is her decision. we have talked and guided and prayed and would never allow her to place herself in a dangerous situation but it ultimately boils down to whats best for her and she needed to make the final decision. secretly i have wanted her to go back to public school for a variety of reasons but have been very careful not to sway her while still giving her my honest opinion. so after many conversations she has made up her mind.


  1. she is such a good girl. ya'll have done a great job with her.

  2. I miss squirt...and her mommy.
    She can make anyone laugh and feel included.

    (Squirt...and her mommy.)

  3. i know when it comes to making decisions about and with and for your kids it is a very difficult. however, if there is anyone who can handle central, i think it is squirt. she has such an amazing personality, i know she will do just fine.
    i will however remember to pray more for her at the time of year than i normally do.
