Tuesday, July 8, 2008

a call to die

I'm starting a new bible study. it looks really good or should i say really bad. good in a way because its exactly what i need right now and bad in a way because its exactly what i need right now. its a fairly short one as bible studies go, its only 40 days but i have a feeling its gonna be a roller coaster ride. highs, lows, twists and turns and just when you think you're safe the bottom drops out and you plummet to the earth at 70 miles per hour. but the thing i like about roller coasters is when its all over and your legs are shaking and your heart is racing your 1st thought is lets do that again. thats how i feel most of the time about my relationship with Jesus. He has asked me to do some pretty scary things but when its all over i would do it all again. even the times that i don't want a repeat of what He has just walked me through i am always glad i went through it. i've always learned something about myself and about Him and isn't that what its all about. so i would encourage you if you feel your faith is lacking or you've checked out on this whole christian walk. find a friend and a good bible study and move yourself closer to Jesus. you don't have to wait for a class at church you can do this on your own or with a friend or two. i'm sure pastor or marme could recommend a good one or better yet pray and let Jesus show you just the right one for you.

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