Saturday, July 12, 2008

baby shane

a very busy week. tuesday morning i woke up to a very messy house and girls sprawled out sleeping everywhere. the slumber party was a success and there is even a youtube video out there with me on it. i promised my peeps i would share but i just don't have the time today so it will have to wait for a later blog. about 1pm on tuesday i get a call from my sister that it was time to take my oldest niece kay to the hospital so she can have her baby. so i wolfed down my lunch and dried my hair and off to the hospital we go. we got her all checked in about 1:45 and by 8:03 we have a beautiful baby shane. the delivery went well and he is just the most perfect baby. squirt was thrilled that he was born on her birthday.

this is shane about 1 hour after he was born with his little old man hat on.


  1. Oh!! How sweet is he?!
    Congratulations! Hope mom and baby are both doing well!

  2. And, yes, I'm curious about this youtube video! =)

  3. Congratulations!!!!!!!!!!!!! What a sweet baby he is. I too am excited about the u tube video. give auntie rhonda a hug from me.
