Monday, September 29, 2008

mental health day and a half

got to work today and quickly decided i just didn't want to be there. so i stuck it out about 4 hours and then decided to take some personal time. i got home and immediately crawled back into bed and slept for 2 hours. it was wonderful. its amazing how a good nap can make you so happy.

for those that haven't heard mark started his new job last friday. i was never afraid that he wouldn't find a job we just didn't want him to go back on the road. so God found him a job where he is in town and using his 20+ years of experience running a shop instead of busting his knuckles out in the field. Thank you Jesus.

it is amazing to me how much my kids love gradespeed. if you don't know this is a website where you can pull up your kids grades. they love to see where they are and what they need to work on. moe is currently a straight A student and is so proud of himself. freddie is pushing the envelope as always. she likes to sit on the line between failing and passing. she is gonna be very sad if we have to take her car away to prove a point. squirt is doing great. she got off on the wrong foot in geometry but has quickly recovered. her teacher grades their homework on whether they finish it and not on if they actually do the work correctly so for the first 3 weeks she thought she understood everything and was quite surprised to get a 63 on her progress report. she cried. but has brought that 63 up to a passing grade.

we got the word last thursday that the union was unsuccessful in saving the 79 jobs slated for elimination. so now the bumping process begins. i haven't heard anything yet but should by the end of the month. we'll just see how it goes. God has a plan and i just have to hang on and see what it is. at this point i'm so frustrated with my job and the whole all of it i don't even want to work there anymore. but once again i am thankful for the job i have and can't forget what a blessing it was when i first started there and could stop working retail. not that i didn't love retail i just didn't love the schedule or the pay. nights and weekends and low pay are hard on single mommas.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad you got to take some time off!
    I've got one more week of va-ca left in October...I'm SO looking forward to it.
    We're planning on swinging by that way...
