Wednesday, September 3, 2008

cool website

now that i'm going to college i have all these college books that i don't know what to do with. well i found this really cool website. they don't just buy textbooks they buy regular books too. i have sold them 3 books and they are sending me a check for $60. i know i might get more money through ebay but this website is so super easy to use and they pay for all the shipping costs. so if you have any old books lying around that you want to get rid of go on and check it out.


  1. none of my books would they buy but thanks any ways

  2. Thank you for the comment. I know how brave you have been to jump back into the game after some rough times in your walk, and I also want to commend you. The Lord sees every scar we bear. He wants to use them for His Glory and for the demise of our enemy.

  3. Love the new background. Very bright and cheery!
