Friday, September 12, 2008

no words

i have been running this blog over and over in my head and i just don't have the right words to express what i'm feeling right now.

shock, surprise, disbelief

my husband was fired from his job on tuesday.

no warning, no reason, just we are gonna let you go.


this is what i keep asking myself, why?

needless to say we are in a state of shock. my husband is not perfect and has never claimed to be but this was so totally out of the blue. so we are trusting God that he has something better planned and that He will show us what to do next. so just pray for us. thats all we know to do.


  1. Oh my! I'm praying.

    Satan didn't win the war, but unfortunately that doesn't stop his meddling in our stuff. Anything I can do to help?

  2. Oh, friend, I am so sorry.

    These are the words to the song I'm listening to right now:

    Lead me to the cross where your love poured out.
    Being me to my knees, Lord, I lay me down.
    Rid me of myself, I belong to you.
    Lead me, lead me to the cross.

    I know they aren't super spiritual words that being new insight, but timeless words that bring comfort, hopefully. No matter what we go thru, if we go by way of the cross, we will not go thru it alone.
    I love you.

  3. That is hard, so hard. We walked in your shoes Nov. 29th, 2006. The Lord had given me a heads up in the form of a dream but the reality was still a shock. It was a scary 8 months with Micheal working various jobs one of which he had to move away to do but it gave him the needed experience for his current job. When we look back we see that if it hadn't happened Micheal would still be working for pennies at Sitel instead of making a good living at DG. If only we oould see the big picture. Please let me know how we can help.

  4. Oh, Rhonda. I am so sorry. I know how things have been at work, and this is just..well...a step back. An unexpected step back.

    I'll keep you in my prayers. Like my Mother-in-law always says: If God brings you to it, He will bring you through it.
