Sunday, September 7, 2008


i am so glad that i went to church this morning. it was one of those days that i would have gladly stayed home and slept but i learned a long time ago that when i feel this way i MUST go to church. pastor's message on healing was awesome and it reminded me of my own healing story.

13 years ago about a month after i accepted Jesus as my Lord and Savior i was sitting in church all bright and shiny because i was finally clean after so many years of living with my sin. i had walked into church that morning with a sore throat. now you are probably thinking so what everyone gets a sore throat from time to time. well this was no ordinary sore throat, you see i had spent the previous winter with a non-stop sore throat and when i finally broke down and went to see the doctor he told me the only way i was gonna get rid of the sore throat was to have my tonsils out. they apparently were very pitted from past infections and the only solution was to have them removed. well at this time i was a single mom and there was no way i could afford to have this surgery so when the pain went away so did any thought of me having my tonsils removed. well here it was months later and the sore throat was back and i knew this meant surgery that i still couldn't afford. well God knew better. this was no ordinary sunday service i don't even remember if there was any preaching. so i'm sitting there and the Holy Spirit starts to move and this little methodist girl who has been told all her life that pentacostal people are freaks and that if i ever went to a holy roller church i was just one step away from hell was scared to death. of course the people i was sitting with had me pinned in and i couldn't run screaming from the church i just sat and watched and let me tell you this was no calm move. there were people running and shouting and laughing and crying and dancing and big gulp speaking in tongues. the lady that i had come with was dancing so hard her shoe flew off and by the end of service she was laying under a pew with no memory as to how she got there. so you can just picture me sitting there looking at all this and just thinking in my mind "freaks they're all freaks" and then my next thought is "this can't be real". so in my innocent baby christian mind i asked God to prove to me that the Holy Spirit was real and if its really real He will heal my throat. i don't know what i was expecting lighting bolts, angels singing the hallelujah chorus, a bright shaft of light coming straight down from heaven but none of that happened. i prayed my prayer and swallowed hard and begged God to prove Himself to me. i didn't realize at the time how much i needed Him to just be everything i needed Him to be, everything that everyone was telling me He could be and everything that His word said He would be. needless to say i walked out of the church that sunday with a completely healed throat. i still have my tonsils and i have only had 1 sore throat in the last 13 years. i know this is a pretty old story but i have always been told that if its God it will stand the test of time. this is only the first of many healings God has performed on my heart and body and mind over the last 13 years and i'm sure it won't be the last.

so this is my question to you is there something God wants to heal you from but you won't let Him or your too afraid to allow Him. take my advice don't wait, stop running and let God do what He wants to do with your life. you'll be glad you did.

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