Friday, August 1, 2008

pure evil

as i was leaving work yesterday there was a man riding his bicycle and talking on a cell phone. the unusual thing was that he was doing all this while riding/driving down the center of the street. so me being a thoughtful conscientious person slowed down behind him so that he could become aware of my presence and move to the side of the street. well that was what i thought would happen. instead he startled when he realized there was a vehicle behind him and ran his bicycle into the curb and then fell over into the grass. so what do you think i did at this point.

did i stop and render aid?

did i say a prayer for his safety?

no i giggled. all the way home.

it wasn't a mean i hope he hurt himself laugh.

or even a that should teach him to ride a bike and talk on his cellphone laugh.

no it was a that would be so me laugh.

i'm the one who doesn't watch where i'm going and runs into things person. just ask monique. she watched one day as i ran my cart into a pole at sams because i was looking down an aisle for something. did she try to stop me. no. she just watched to see if i would actually run into it and i did. and then she laughed. and then i laughed at my own carelessness. so there you have it documented proof of my evilness. i laugh when people fall down. i just can't help it sometimes. i don't know why its just is.

1 comment:

  1. i must be evil too, because when i read this i actually lol. so see you are not the only evil one.

    but i have to say that i also laugh at myself when i do something funny, like accidentally uncontrollably peeing in front of people during a Christian womens conference.

    or ....... more to come later.
