Thursday, August 7, 2008

feeling better

a little bit...for those of ya'll who haven't heard monique is moving away to kentucky of all places. for those of ya'll who don't know monique is just about the best friend i've ever had. we have worked together, laughed together, cried together, and played together for the last 13 years. she is the person that knows way too much about me and still loves me. i know this is God's perfect will for them but it still hurts.


  1. i'm so sorry.
    i really am.
    that is all i know to say.

  2. I know how you feel - kinda. My very best friend I've ever had, the best in the world got left behind in IL when we moved to TX. Oh how I miss her. She's hopefully coming here the end of this month for a couple of days - her and her family. I don't want to get too excited because things do happen - but I'm just soooooo excited!

  3. i am glad you are feeling better. i love you.

  4. I'm sorry. I remember when my Tracy moved to Wichita Falls and shortly after we went to Guam and they went to Europe. She was my first real friend. You know, the one you can call at ANY time of the day or wee hours of darkness. It took 24 years to find her. We are day and night. I love her. I know how you feel, I honestly do. We are still best friends, 21 years later. We just do it long distance. We talk and/or email at least 3 times a week. She calls while commuting home. We also have coffee together in the mornings and take bubble baths together. Yep, we do. We get on the phone, run the tub full of bubbles, light a candle and sit in our tubs and talk till we are wrinkled. It is not the same as when we used to load the kids up and go pay bills or help each other clean our houses. We've just evolved with it. I'm excited because while I'm in Memphis she is coming to spend Labor Day weekend with me (she lives in MS now). Sorry to be so long winded but it will work out and you will maintain your friendship. You'll just be more creative. ;)
