Thursday, January 24, 2008

honey, i've decided.....

my husbands eyes glazed over when he hears those 3 words. he has realized over the years that those 3 words could mean anything from lets do some major home remodeling to lets order pizza tonight. well my latest honey i've i want a tattoo for my 40th birthday this year. my birthday is in may so that gives me enough time to decide what i want.....oh i have a general idea but its not carved in stone, or should i say skin right now. in case you don't know i have 2 tattoos already and this 3rd one will be an addition to the one i have on my shoulder. i also know there are better things i could spend my money on but this is what i want to spend my money on. we will consider this my mid life crisis and once its done i can move on into old lady status. or maybe biker old lady with a tat status. yea that sounds better.


  1. You are awesome! I love that you want another tattoo! LoL. That's so great! I want another one, too, so badly, but husband will die. Maybe I could sneak one real quick before he gets back from this deployment? Hmm....

    I say get another one! You only live once!

    What tattoos do you already have?

  2. Haha yeah, the lifetime games have sucked me in! It's only because I seriously have nothing else to do or anyone in the house to entertain sad.

    I got my tattoo at Electric Voodoo in San Angelo. I think his name was Randy...he did a great job!

  3. PLEASE don't let Dan know of your plans because that will just spur him on to torture me with the idea that he "thinks" he's going to get a tattoo! Don't get me wrong...I think they are too cool...on other people. Do you think this is a control issue? Should I let it go?

    Wait--don't answer that!


  4. You are so funny. I would never have the guts to get a tatoo. I always imagine it expanding as I do.

  5. you are crazy, my friend. and yes meems, they sag into something else completeyly when you're ninety! ;}

  6. I really am praying for your tiny little brain right now. Just think what this goofy tattoo will look like if you gain weight.....or if you get rid of lots of could look like a wrinkled prune.
