Saturday, January 12, 2008


this is a word that God has been whispering in my ear. groundbreaker. very softly and quietly. when i stop long enough to get still and ask Him what it means He whispers it again until i have to stop everything and focus so totally on Him that everything else fades away. He then explains. I am the groundbreaker for my family. i am the first person in my immediate family (mom, dad, brothers, sisters, grandparents and yes even great-grandparents) to serve God wholeheartedly. i am the groundbreaker. not that their salvation is my total responsibility they still have free will and will have to make this choice for themselves. it goes deeper into the very mindsets i was raised with. all christians are.....(you fill in the blank) anything but real people just trying to do the best they can. my family has gotten to watch me walk thru some very difficult situations and they have gotten to see God provide for me. as a result my brother and his wife are now serving the Lord. so i will gladly be the groundbreaker. i know there are some of you out there like me. you weren't raised to know God. in most cases you grew up in a home where the word God was just the start of a swear word. but there is hope. your family doesn't need to see your perfection but your fraility and humility. they don't need your scripture quoting skills at the sign of trouble, they need your scripture walking skills. that last sentence was a reminder to myself. this is a trap i have found myself in and i have realized all i can do is love them with hands, feet, and prayer.


  1. "Groundbreaker." What a great word.

  2. That recipe is always a winner at my house. My husband absolutely loves it! Let me know if you liked it or not...and if you hate it, at least you didn't waste all day cooking, right?

  3. It takes a strong woman to be a groundbreaker. It's a tough job, but I know in God you've got what it takes. Love you.

  4. I don't think you realize the power and depth behind your every word. It's unreal.
    I am so grateful that God has placed you right here with us, there is so much we can all absorb just by being around you.
    I also think that your new babies will look back on these years as the best in their life.
    After reading a post like this one, I just gotta say I can almost see Him smiling over you. I love you!
