Tuesday, June 12, 2007


or the fact that i no longer have any. i can't even go to the bathroom by myself much less post anything without 3 sets of eyes watching me and trying to read over my shoulder. sheesh


i know someday i will miss all the activity and noise and the constant talking and questions.
i'm not a very touchy person so it is almost torture to have the kids always touching me and hanging on me. i know God is working something out here, why else would he give me more kids. He knows i was perfectly content with my life. which is probably why He did it. He knows whats best and to be perfectly honest i can't imagine my life without the extra kids and extra noise and extra laughter and extra love.

i'm so glad God can take all my mess and turn it into something to glorify Him. help me learn quick Lord.

1 comment:

  1. you are such a blessing to those kids. i know God looks down at you and smiles. i pray that rich blessings follow you and yours. i love ya gal.
