Sunday, October 5, 2008

my femininity...

where did i leave it?

i spent some girlfriend time this weekend. just hanging out and getting our toes and nails done and shopping and laughing and eating dessert. just general having fun and as we where shopping we were in a girly store and i liked alot of what i saw but i was having trouble loving any of it. it was as if i was so far removed from the feminine side of myself. there was a time that i loved jewelry and girly stuff. Could life happening have shifted my priorities that i don't even feel like a woman anymore. i must admit i have gotten a little lazy. but i want to feel pretty and look pretty and take care of myself. so whats wrong with me? where is my girlness? why do i do for everyone else and put myself last? i don't have any answers just lots of questions.

1 comment:

  1. well, your blog looks really girly. does that count?

    take time for yourself, my friend.
