Friday, April 11, 2008

lover of lists

my friend jinny (hi! jinny) is doing this thing. she is making a list of 101 things she wants to accomplish in 1001 days. it has kinda got my attention. i love lists. i love checking things off of a list. sometimes the lists are just in my mind and sometimes i write them down. so this whole list thing sounds very interesting. if you're interested go here. i am contemplating, pondering, trying to wrap my mind around it. can i even think of 101 things to do in 1001 days? and if i can how will i fit one more thing into my already busy schedule? but on the other hand are there things i have always wanted to do and have just not taken the time to do them. would this list provide me the incentive i need to set some goals and then accomplish them. i think i will start my list and see where it goes from there.