Saturday, April 19, 2008

the list

here is my list. i was feeling very overwhelmed by trying to come up with 101 things and have them be significant. my time is valuable and i only wanted to put things i really wanted to do or needed to do on my list so i have opted for a shorter list. hey its my list and i can do what i want. my start date is today and my finish day is Sept 2, 2009.

41 things in 501 days
1. read the bible (0/66)
2. memorize 66 bible verses (0/66)
3. shave my legs every week (1/72)
4. read 15 books (0/15)
5. grow a garden
6. complete 12 college classes
7. call my mom every week (1/72)
8. write letters
9. sit quietly w/God for 30 mins everyday (1/501)
10. reach my goal weight
11. maintain my goal weight
12. take 1 class every week at the Y (0/72)
13. take a road trip w/no plan and no map
14. get a passport
15. learn some german
16. visit germany
17. learn how to juggle
18. visit the planatarium
19. take walking tour of the city
20. weekend at hummer house
21. pedicure (0/5)
22. all day shopping w/girls (0/10)
23. 1 day of total silence
24. finish battlefield of the mind bible study
25. date night (0/10)
26. make a quilt
27. learn to knit....again
28. learn to type w/out looking
29. visit a nursing home
30. buy bookcases
31. wash face and floss every night (1/501)
32. finish flowerbed
33. paint house trim
34. do assumption paperwork
35. put $20 in savings every week (0/72)
36. finish 1 cross-stitch project
37. scan in all family pics and save them to a disk
38. buy a fire safe
39. girls night (0/10)
40. revisit honeymoon spot
41. blog about each completed task (0/41)


  1. I thought I was the only one who had to look at the keyboard while typing. Thanks for the boost!
    I like the list. Very good goals.
    It gets me to thinking...

  2. If anyone can do it, You Can! You are a very driven person!

  3. like the list and alot of things would be duplicated on mine, if I had the time to even make the list.

    two, i have wanted to do for some time...stay at he hummer house for a quiet retreat and make another quilt....

    it's about time monique!
