Friday, March 7, 2008

cleaning day

it only happens every once in a while but i have the deep cleaning bug. so i have taken a mental health day to clean my home. when i was younger i used to laugh at the women i knew who did this. well now i'm one of those women. i don't know why but it makes me deeply content when i spend one whole day really cleaning the whole house. cleaning all those cracks and crevices that usually get just a quick swipe. my home is not trashed by any means but who wants to clean baseboards every week. i don't. been there done that. right out of high school i took a job cleaning these 2 ladies houses. well if you can call cleaning an already clean house cleaning then thats what i did. no lie. i would deep clean both of their houses not once but twice a week. we are talking hinges to baseboards, moving furniture and the whole shebang. that was the most horribly boring job i've ever had. so since that time i decided my home would never be that clean and i've pretty much stuck to it. my husband grew up in an ultra clean home and would prefer our home to have that lived in look. so his wish is my desire. but every once in while you do need to knock down the cobwebs and vacuum under the sofa cushions and behind the couch and wipe down a baseboard. so this is what i'm doing today. i love to do it all alone because i can be ultra dis-organized. i am so organized in every area of my life that when i clean house i bounce from room to room with no real plan. i might dust the living room and then go wash dishes and after that fold some laundry and then wipe down the bar. i don't know how but it all gets done and i just let my mind wander all day long. wonderfulness. oh and i'm still in my pajamas and will stay in my pajamas all day until i'm forced to get in the shower and get dressed. and right now i forsee no crisis large enough to force me to do that.


  1. I hope you have a great day!

    Do they really call it a mental health day? I think all my days off are mental health days! =)

  2. Is this cleaning bug contagious? If it is, come to my house and breathe on me so I can catch it!

    Hope you had a great time, just you and your cleaning. :-)
