Saturday, June 21, 2008

nag, nag, nag

it is better to live in a corner of a roof
than in a house shared with a contentious woman.
proverbs 21:9

this is the verse that caught my eye this morning as i was reading. i try not to be a contentious women but sometimes i just can't help it. you know those times when your husband tells you they are going to do this or that and then weeks go by and this or that is still not done and you quite innocently ask when are they gonna do this or that and they give you that look and then explain to you how busy they are with everything else. its those times that i try to not be a contentious woman but it sure is hard. its at those times that i wish my husband would go live in a corner of the roof. i'm sure this is not what the writer of proverbs had in mind. maybe he meant you better not come home if you've promised your wife you would do something and still have not done it. maybe he is speaking to all the men out there that if you don't do it she's gonna be mad and give you an earful. i'm sure my interpretation is not completely right but i would like to know what has made this women contentious. is she naturally contentious or has her husbands behaviour made her contentious. maybe Jesus will explain this to me when i get to heaven. until then i will pray for my contentious ways and for my husband who causes me to be this way. amen.


  1. and AMEN, sistah!

    Oh, I thought about you the other day because someone mentioned wailing at a funeral. The conversation changed to other things, but I was chuckling to myself at that whole conversation we had.

    Good times...

  2. I'm quite sure that the Lord had in mind all those aggravating little things men do (or don't) when He passed that little saying on. (Uh-huh. ;D)
