Saturday, July 18, 2009

summer project #2 - paint

for quite some time i have had the idea in my head to switch the kids bedrooms. the girls were cramped into a very small room and could really use more space. the boys don't need so much space since we just have jonathan part-time. so since i am taking the summer off from college i decided i better get it done before i ran out of time and want-to.

The girls bedroom is yellow.....this would never do for the boys.

This is colleens little corner....or should i say her little rat nest.

i found all kinds of surprises when we moved the bed.

so the week before camp the children sorted and boxed up their rooms.

finally most everything is off the walls and the furniture has been moved out.

it took me all day monday to move everything out and clean so that we could start painting. this is the pile of trash i swept up after moving the beds. i promise you they do clean their rooms but when you have packrat children sometimes the best thing to do is move everything out so that you can clean it really good.

when i got home from bible study on tuesday night my wonderful 6'5" husband was in the process of cutting in all the corners so that when i got off work on wednesday mexa and i could finish the painting.

finished painting!

it took us all night thursday to get all the furniture and boxes moved over. when the kids got home from camp on friday they moved back in.

once the girls new furniture and bedding get here i will post pictures of both the new bedrooms.

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