Saturday, December 8, 2007

christmas tag

y'all know i'm sentimental so this could be very long

1. Paper wrapping or gift bags.
combination - i like all the gifts under the tree to be wrapped but will use gift bags for gifts given before christmas.

2. Real tree or artificial.
when i was little we always had real. but now we have to have fake due to squirts allergies.

3. When do you put the tree up?
the day after Thanksgiving.

4. When do you take the tree down?
Jan 2nd.

5. Do you like eggnog?
love, love, love, love it.

6. Favorite gift received.
my most favorite was the year my very best friend gave me about $200 in restaurant gift certificates. at the time i was a single mother, squirt was about 4 years old and i had been saved for about 1 year. my greatest need was christian fellowship and everyone would go out to eat after church but i could never go due to financial reasons. so this sweet sweet friend gave me the gift of fellowship for christmas.

7. Do you have a nativity scene?
i have a small one at work but have never broke down and bought one for my home. i look at them every year but never want to spend the money.

8. Hardest person to buy for?
my mother-in-law

9. Easiest person to buy for?
the girls

10. Worst gift I have received.
squirts dad bought me car accesories one year. yuck. no wonder i dumped that loser.

11. Favorite ornament
everything squirt has ever made me.

12. Favorite Christmas movie
its a wonderful life and a christmas story. i watch both of these everytime they come on.

13. When do you start Christmas shopping?
usually sometime after thanksgiving.

14. Have you ever recycled a Christmas gift?
i can't remember. i don't think so.

15. What is your favorite Christmas food?
homemade cranberry relish and hot rolls

16. Clear lights or colored?

17. Favorite Christmas song
o come immanuel and the little drummer boy.
i can still remember being little and watching all the christmas programs on tv. when i watched the little drummer boy on tv i can remember crying when he played his drum for jesus. it still makes me cry. plus the words are so awesome.

Come they told me,
A new born King to see,
Our finest gifts we bring,
To lay before the King,

So to honor Him,
When we come.

Little Baby,
I am a poor boy too,
I have no gift to bring,
That's fit to give the King,

Shall I play for you,
On my drum?

Mary nodded,
The ox and lamb kept time,
I played my drum for Him,
I played my best for Him,

Then He smiled at me,
Me and my drum.

now that'll preach

18. Traveling or staying home?
stay home, we always go to mark's sister who lives down the street.

19. Can you name all of Santa's reindeer?
dasher, dancer, prancer, vixon, comet, cupid, donner and blitzen. rudolph

20. Angel or star on the top of the tree?
we now have a bow, but have had a mixture of all three over the years.

21. When do you open the gifts?
one on christmas eve and the rest on christmas morning. stockings on christmas morning.

22. Most annoying thing about the Christmas season?
the rush of the crowds. i would like to just slow down and enjoy it all.

23. Does Santa always wrap the gifts?
this has been a point of controversy in my home. my husband wants to wrap everything and i like to leave the big present unwrapped. so we compromise. if the present is awkward like a bike we don't wrap, but if its in a box we wrap.

24. Did you ever leave cookies for Santa?
yes, duh and a note and he would always write me a note back.

25. What is your favorite Christmas memory?
my mom would always cook like a mad women for days before christmas and my older brother would take great pleasure in picking at her while she was busy cooking. well when my mom got mad she would pick up whatever was handy and throw it at you. i know that sounds bad but it was really all in fun. so anyways my brother was picking on my mom the day before christmas and she was up to her armpits in stuffing and she started throwing celery at him and we honestly thought we got it all cleaned up. well the day after christmas when my dad came to pick us up my stepmom was admiring our tree and commenting on all our pretty and unique christmas decorations. we were all saying thank you and she reaches into the tree and pulls out a limp stalk of celery. we still laugh about this.

i tag meems and no iffer

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