after the rainstorm on tuesday night i had quite a few weeds spring up in my yard. my first thought was to just mow them down...then i thought they'll just grow back stronger and bigger than before. so last night i got out the hose and soaked the ground really well and this morning before it got to hot i went out to pull weeds.
the most dreaded of childhood chores. pulling weeds ranked right up there with picking beans and gathering pecans. which i would swear on a stack of bibles we must of had 1 million bean plants and at least that many pecans in our yard each fall.
now i know a million preachers have preached it and at least a million people have heard it but God really does speak to you while you are doing the most mundane tasks. if we will only listen and apply what He says. its as if He has provided the chores as mini life lessons. i am the type of person that has to see it then do it to learn it. so just sitting in church and listening to the Word only takes me so far. i have to then go out and do it in the real world. so my challenge is this the next time you have a chore that really needs to be done and you really don't want to do it ask God to speak to you. ask Him what you could possibly learn from this sink full of dirty dishes. i think you just might be surprised. i know i am.
i not only pulled the weeds in my yard this morning but i was able to pull up some spiritual weeds that have been choking the life out of me. now my challenge is to keep them pulled. they will try to come back but if i catch them when they are small and soak the ground really well i have no doubt God will give me His strength to pull them out.