Sunday, March 30, 2008

worlds longest bullet points

  • i have started my next class so my posts may get pretty spaced out. i'll try to post something every few days. someday i want my girls to know that college is important no matter how long it takes you to finish. and that you still have to balance fun and work.
  • my cleaning bug has turned into the full blown spring cleaning flu. its gotten so bad i'm actually working in the yard. i like the idea of having a well manicured lawn and pristine flower beds, but until now have not put any effort into it. well my plan this weekend was to paint the trim on my house but since the humidity level was so high i decided spur of the moment to tear out my front flowerbed and make it bigger. my husband was quite surprised when he got home and found me covered with dirt and a wheelbarrow full of bricks. so the plan is he is gonna start bringing me rocks home to use as a new border and me and my sisser will do the rest. i come from a family that can grow anything except me. i can keep stuff alive but i don't have alot of vision when it comes to planting. once its done i can keep it maintained. i actually like the maintaining part it is very relaxing to me. i can spend my evening hours enjoying my yard and piddling.
  • everybody check out my friend just jinny. shes a pretty awesome lady that i work with.
  • ok enough dawdling....i have homework to do. :(

1 comment:

  1. Aw, thanks for the shout out!

    I can't grow or maintain a thing in the garden...except for iris'..and only because they are impossible to kill.
