Sunday, March 16, 2008

mean girls

every year about this time we receive the registration papers for squirts school. most years its a no brainer. this year has been different. i don't understand why girls have to be so mean. to say that this year has been hard would be an understatement. because she goes to private school and her class is very small (9 girls and no boys) its very easy to be the target especially if you have a strong personality. squirt has always been an independant child with a mind of her own. but she is also a girl who wants to be loved, liked and fit in. she doesn't always fit in. i feel her pain so deeply i just want to go up there some days and give these girls a piece of my mind. but then i realize this won't do any good, she must learn from this and grow. its the growing part thats so painful. so here's our problem we can continue to send her to private school or enroll her in public school. she is 50/50. somedays public school sounds good and somedays private school is good. i need your prayers. i feel like any decision we make will screw her up for the rest of her life.


  1. No, it won't mess her up. She really will learn and grow from the experience. Either way, she will have to figure out how to understand who she is and how to stand on her own. It will make her be an independent thinker who can analyze a situation and make thought-out dicisions. Pray for her, support her, cry with her. She WILL make it. Been there, done that, and survived. She is blessed to have a mom who will stand in the gap for her.

  2. Stay close to her. Love her even more in this time of her life. Let her know how important she is to you and more than that how important she is to Jesus and how much He loves her.

  3. i will so pray for her. i love her so dearly. God let rhonda hear from you. make her path straight so she knows what to do.

    i was recently given the advice that an annointing follow the annointed it is not place specific. colleen certainly is annointed of the Lord.

  4. We were in a similar boat a few years ago and ended up making an enormous change in Betty's schooling. You're right -- it is scary, knowing that, whatever your choice is, it will have some sort of effect on her life.

    I'll be praying for your family as you consider your options and make this decision.

    Squirt is a great kid. I love her to death. :-)
