Saturday, March 15, 2008

mommas don't let your babies grow up to be teenagers

moe is crushing on a girl and she is crushing back. do kids still say this phrase 'crushing'. well thats the term i'm gonna use. what makes matters worse is she is just a little too aggressive for my liking. she calls all the time and invites herself over. its just too much. plus the fact that they are only 12 years old. her father, myself and mark are all on the same page with the no dating policy. but her mother thinks it would be just fine for them to go to the movies alone.

NO!!!!!! this will never happen.

they can talk on the phone and occasionally see each other in a chaparoned environment. but absolutely no dating. they have this really cute way of hitting each other, so very junior high. but like i said this girl is very aggressive if she calls and moe isn't home, we will politely say he isn't home and he will call you back. well she never gives him the chance to call back. she will call back every 10 minutes. luckily this has only happened one or twice. i explained to moe that he better tell her nice not to call every 10 minutes or there will be no phone calls for him. but i'm afraid i'm gonna have to have a little talk with her. i don't think she realizes how disrespectful it is to call someones house non-stop, after you've been told not too. but if it continues she will know.

all of this has opened up some wonderful conversations in our home. we are very careful not to speak rudely of moe's friend but we have also had the opportunity to talk to him about respect. and the proper way to treat women and what it means to date. all of this and trying to help him keep in perspective that he is 12 years old and is not old enough or mature enough for a serious exclusive relationship.


  1. Wow! Brings back memories of when our three boys were young!!! When I would answer the phone I would say very loudly "Another girl on the phone for you!"

  2. Brings back memories for me also, when Sam was "young". although, when a girl called, he told them never to call him again and if he was interested he would call them. I do have to say that he was rather picky and had a high standard for dating girls. Yeah Sam.....
