Sunday, September 9, 2007


i am sensing something new around my house....i think its hope. freddie is at last settling in and realizing this isn't such a bad place after all. don't get me wrong she still misses her mom and sister, but she has been a much happier and contented girl. we have had many significant conversations and she actually wants to make friends and get involved. 16 is such a hard age especially when you get uprooted and made to live with people who are so different from your mom. squirt was gone all last weekend so freddie and i got to spend lots of quality time together. we had some good one on one time. just continue to pray for us. we are needing to make serious decisions regarding the kids and we need God's perfect will. its just such a hard place to be. our conviction all along has been to do what is best for the kids and sometimes what is best for the kids is not what is best for my sister. how do you explain to a crazy person that her kids can't get the best care unless you take them away from her for a time. how can she concentrate on getting better when you take her hope away.

we need you God. we need You to give us the wisdom we need to make this decision. guide our path and open the doors that need to be open and close the doors that need to be closed.


  1. i will continue to pray. sorry you were sick. i hope you get to feeling better soon. do you need some warm chicken noodle soup? (campbells of course)i missed seeing your bright face.

    i love your new page. where did you get it.

    love ya!!!!

  2. You found my secret stash of templates - they're great huh?
    I think you are awesome for what you are doing for those kids...
    my advice, 1.) you hear from God.
    2.) Your heart is in the right place.
    Everything else will fall into line with the first two facts.

  3. Keep it up. Your doing awesome with those kids. Your effort is not in vain.

  4. It's exciting to see the transformation. I'm always praying for you, hero girl!
