Tuesday, September 18, 2007


we had a minor meltdown in our house last night.

the following conversation happened 30 minutes past squirt's bedtime last night.
side note - today was picture day

mark - you need to quit trying on clothes and go to bed.


mark (with a look of bewilderment on his face) - whats wrong?

squirt - i just want to look pretty for picture day. WAAAHHHHHHHH

needless to say mom had to step in and calm the storm.


  1. That should not crack me up the way it did...
    It was a very real problem.
    Picture day is huge.
    But when you wear uniforms to school every other day of the school year, it's monumental and life-altering - your whole sense of 'style' is encapsulated in that one day...
    Poor squirt...

  2. Us girls, and our drama. Why are we like this? I don't know.

    I hope it all went well for her. I'm sure she looked gorgeous.

  3. I can just see the "look of bewilderment" on Mark's face...
    Priceless, I'm sure! =)

  4. so i'm guessing they get to wear regular clothes on picture day??? i'm sure she looked wonderful!
