Wednesday, October 17, 2007

comments to advice comments

we are looking at ASU since it is local and she can still live with us the first year or so. the actual tests are not free but the prep courses are. i'm thinking i'll make her take both prep courses and then we will go from there. they are having several prep classes before the test dates so we should get a good feel from those. she is not a good test taker so i want her to have all the prep time and opportunities to take the tests as many times as she needs to score as high as she can. we are already looking at scholarships since us or her mom will not have the cash to pay her way. in the long run i think it will be a better education if she has to work for it. she is not very motivated and tends to be a slacker and a taker. i have had to cry out to God on several occasions to direct me on how to raise this teenager. it has been a good challenge. thanks guys for all your good advice.


  1. If she graduates in the top 10% of her class, she's automatically admitted to ASU, no test scores needed.

    Talk about something to strive for!

    P.S. I know you don't know me, but I went to ASU. Just FYI ;o)

  2. Hi, just ran across your blog....I think it would be great for her to take the free classes. It will be very helpful when she takes the tests.
