Tuesday, August 21, 2007

really big tree

about 6:30am on Sunday morning i was startled awake by a loud crash. i of course jumped up to see what it was and the big tree in our backyard had crashed to the ground. apparently some disease had weakened the largest branch and it just gave way. it was such a God thing that it happened in the early morning. the kids are always playing under that tree. its also a God thing that it didn't hit the house or come through the living room window. Freddie was sleeping in the livingroom and could have been hurt. its amazing how God protects us even when we are sleeping.

the only damage was it pulled down the phone and cable lines. so we have been without internet and phone for almost 3 days.....i'm gonna have alot of blogs to catch up on and the cable gets hooked up on friday. the kids are so sad :(


  1. i am sooooo glad that it didn't fall on your house, as i am sure that you are.

  2. p.s. i love allison kraus. this song is wonderful. one of my favorites.

  3. God is so awesome. Good job looking for the positives in the situation.

  4. That tree is huge! What a crazy deal! I am very glad freddie wasn't hurt - or anyone else for that matter!
    Well, chop chop. We bloggers can't wait forever for those cables to be fixed, you know...

  5. Glad you all, including the house, are okay!!!

  6. wood anyone
    fire places for winter will be well stocked
    And how Freddie could sleep through that I don't know she said it did not wake her up
