Monday, August 6, 2007

out of the mouths of babes

as i was lying on the couch saturday night moaning in pain from eating a whole pint of ben & jerrys turtle soup ice cream. i cried out "why did i eat the whole pint?" my daughter stated very matter of factly "well, you are upset because of blah, blah, blah which has caused you to emotionally eat"

no lie - she really said this to me. the blah blah blah will be the subject of another blog, but for now i'm still stunned.


  1. My child has now gotten to the age that she calls us out on things as well. She will say, "Your being mean Momma", or " You didn't say thank you Momma". It is humbling.

  2. I almost wish we were having another garage sale this weekend. THAT'S how much fun I had hanging out with you and the girls...
    I take the part about the garage sale back - but under any other circumstance, seeing y'all sounds great!
