Saturday, July 21, 2007

sometimes i think funny thoughts

as i was leaving the grocery store today, all happy with all my bags of groceries, the car in front of me had a bumper sticker that said "cavemen are people too". well i thought to myself. i'm so glad i wasn't born a cavewomen. not only would i have to hunt for my food but then i would have to kill it and field dress it and then drag it back to my cave and cut it all up and then have to cook it to feed my hungry children. all 37 of them cause you know cavewomen didn't have birth control which opens a whole nuther train of thought. lets don't take that train, lets stay on the first train. food. well anyways thanks God for not making me a cavewomen. i really enjoy going to the HEB to buy my meat already cut up and ready to cook...sometimes they even put a little recipe on the package for you. i don't think wholly mammoths come with recipes.


  1. You crack me up, rw! But, I, too, am thankful that I was not a cavewoman. :)

  2. That is to funny! I can't remember when I laughed so hard. Kind of reminded me of those older comic strips I think it's called "BC". I am also glad I was not a cavewoman :)
