Friday, July 27, 2007

joy does come in the morning

sorry guys....didn't mean to overwhelm ya'll with my emotions the other night.

For His anger is but for a moment, His favor is for life; Weeping may endure for a night, But joy comes in the morning. Psalm 30:5

the next day was is true what the bible says that Joy comes in the morning. i cried most of the night and the next morning, but it was a healing cry. just what i always need when God reveals His amazing love for me. Some scriptures i've been pondering on ps 16:11 and ps 30:all.

thank you seph for your post. it was just what i needed to hear. i thought i was the only one that wondered why i just couldn't do it right. you know this christian thing. and then God reminds me through very real life things that its all about a relationship with Him. a real personal in-my-face relationship with Him. He reminds me through my relationships with my husband, children, friends and co-workers that it takes two to have a relationship. if me and my husband had no quality one-on-one time together we wouldn't have a very happy or fulfilling marriage. this is true for every relationship we have, especially our relationship with God. i haven't been spending the time needed to have this relationship with Him, my heavenly Father. i've been the one stepping out (so to speak) with my other lovers. i've been the one not showing up at our meeting place. He waits for me and i stand Him up. and then when i do show up its just to run down my to-do list of things for Him to do for me. i don't even ask if theres something i can do for Him. He is the creator of the universe and i'm treating Him like an employee. its a wonder He still loves me, but He does. and He loves me better than anyone has or ever will. and He takes all my crap because He knows i'm just a scared little girl that needs her daddy to fix everything. and fix it He does, not always how i want it fixed, but its fixed nonetheless. Thanks Dad, You're the what do You need me to do?


  1. Isn't it amazing what a nights sleep will do for a situation? Anytime something bad happens in my life, it really does feel so much better in the morning.

  2. And a good cry too. I think it releases our emotions and opens our heart to the powerful, healing of the Holy Spirit.

    Works for me.

  3. i love you rhonda. i am glad you feel better. crying always makes me feel better too. its like a washing of sorts. everything always gets better in the morning.
